Field Research


Catch 10 Pokémon
CP 99 - 117
Catch a Dragon-type Pokémon
DratiniCP 397 - 430
Catch 3 Fire-type Pokémon
TorchicCP 433 - 468
Catch 3 Pokémon with Weather Boost
SnoverCP 460 - 497
PoliwagCP 324 - 355
VulpixCP 347 - 378
Make 5 Nice Throws
VoltorbCP 399 - 432
Make 3 Great Throws
GastlyCP 487 - 527
LileepCP 515 - 553
AnorithCP 613 - 655
Make 3 Great Throws in a row
OnixCP 435 - 472
Make 5 Great Curveball Throws in a rowSpinda #4CP 486 - 523
Make 3 Excellent Throws in a row
GibleCP 441 - 477
Use 5 Berries to help Catch Pokémon
PonytaCP 683 - 727
Defeat 3 Team GO Rocket Grunts
VulpixCP 347 - 378
Win a level 3 or higher raid
CP 620 - 662
KabutoCP 548 - 587
Win 2 raids
Alolan SandshrewCP 516 - 554
Win 5 Raids
CP 1136 - 1193
Hatch an Egg
SneaselCP 831 - 879
Evolve a Pokémon
FlareonCP 1239 - 1298
CP 424 - 459
Power up a Pokémon 5 times
BulbasaurCP 442 - 477
CharmanderCP 387 - 420
SquirtleCP 372 - 405
Give your buddy 3 treats
SphealCP 379 - 412
Trade a Pokémon
SnoruntCP 349 - 380
Send 3 Gifts to friends
HoundourCP 491 - 529
Earn 5 hearts with your buddyGrowlitheCP 495 - 533


Catch 7 Fire-Type PokémonLitleoCP 571 - 611
Catch 5 Flying-type Pokémon
FletchlingCP 313 - 343
Catch 3 Normal-type Pokémon
BunnelbyCP 212 - 237

Jonas, Grundare av


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